June 4, 2013 CROSS CREEK HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING Meeting held at Hart Middle School
John Ellwood, president, attended meeting on construction of East Tienken. Street on Lakeview will be okay. We will lose thumbnail and a bit of lamppost. The flow will be East to West for residents only.
No “thru traffic” traffic. No left hand sign will stay. Lakeview and Cross Creek will have signs indicating the streets are closed. Lakeview will be closed all summer with barricades. Detour will be down Parkdale. Signs will be up. Sheriffs will be called to monitor.
Annual fee for safe deposit box is $50.00. Clarence Brantley, Treasurer, informed members that we have a Post office box number. This is used to receive various correspondences without going to anyone’s home in particular. The Association has retained a safe deposit box for the last twenty years.
The safe deposit box is at the bank across the street. It contains deed restrictions and maps. The Post office box is retained downtown Rochester. Bank will not accept a post office as it needs an address. Clarence uses his address. State of Michigan filing fee is $20.00. Question was asked as to what to do with material concerning the Association this is over 7 years old. It was felt that some of the paperwork could be discarded. Some material will be kept for historical reasons.
There was discussion regarding letter received by residents. Joe Daiek discussed issue with residents regarding his part in sending out letters where there were delinquent annual dues. Some properties will have liens placed on them. Mr. Daiek indicated that his service was voluntary to help all members and the association.
There was much discussion on high water bills, cost of lawn maintenance and the possibilities of decreasing or increasing annual dues.
A resident had requested a copy of 2010 expenditures sheet and it was sent to him. The person was present at the meeting and was satisfied that his request had been granted.
No garage sale this year. $70.82 allocated for ad for garage sale will be taken out of budget.
Twist drill building sold. Still on historical list for consideration. Front of building purchased by U-Haul.
Clarence discussed financial report. Investment vs. CD’s. Someone can check the options and report back to the Association.
Hugh water drain problems and storm drains off Otter Drive. Roots in drains. Cracked drains. Estimated cost to repair $7500.00. This is one quote and we are securing a second quote. This is not in the budget, however. This needs to be repaired before spring. Will need to replace sod after the job is finished. The total price could be as much as $10,000.00.
Sherwood Forest does our Christmas decorations.
A big thanks given to Clarence Brantley for the exceptional job he does keeping the records as treasurer.
Thirteen residents still over dues for a total of over $5,000.00.
Zone 11 needs a representative. There are 121 homes in the Cross Creek subdivision.
A resident attended a meeting regarding chemically treating invasive plants. Resident shared her concerns with group.
May 1, 2013 Cross Creek Subdivision Homeowners’ Association Meeting
Present:Jenn French, Gerald Powierski, John Ellwood, Rob Mazzola, Clarence Brantley, Hossein Salimnia, Mary L. Johnson
Meeting convened at 7:40 P.M.
There will be no flowers planted on the Lakeview entrance because of the planned construction.
Water will remain on….some zones can stay on.
The City will hold another meeting---will not have to move sign or light pole on Tienken.
There will be enforcement of “no thru traffic” during the construction period.
Sign “no left turn” will come down off Lakeview and may stay down. There will be a three month evaluation of the area.
Lakeview entrance closed for the summer.
Only west side of Tienken open not the east side. No through traffic on Cross Creek.
The construction starts at the end of the school year through September, 2013.
There is a karate club upstairs in the Ferber building. This building may have been sold to U-Haul corporate office. The independent U-Haul will probably vacate their space.
Marge will let us know about the annual garage sale when she returns…Mary L. Johnson has volunteered to assist Marge with the sale.
The all Sub meeting will be June 4, 2013..Tuesday at Hart school from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The Board will meet from 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm prior to the general meeting.
Grass start-up is done. Reduction in cost…..maybe no spring cleaning of beds on Lakeview side.
Harold Strope expressed an interest in being a zone representative.
Zone 11 is available for consideration. Cynthia (last name ?) wants to be on the Board also.
Kyle has been pretty busy and has not been active on the Board.
Clarence Brantley went over the financial statement from January – April, 2013. Copies were distributed. Clarence also distributed the list with association dues that were past due for years 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. He will send second notice for 2010-2012. There have only been the original invoices send for the 2013 dues. One homeowner on the list submitted their check for 2013 dues at this meeting.
The broken concrete on Lakeview is a city’s issue.
There was discussion regarding speed bumps. City will install with the homeowner’s approval. The price is $1200.00. The city will pay half and the association will pay half. A traffic assessment can be done at no cost to see if these speed bumps are warranted. Okay was given for this to be done.
Cross Creek Homeowners’ Association Meeting – August 14, 2013
There was a lengthy discussion on the water drains that were installed off Otter Drive. The total cost was $9,750.00. Any damage to residents’ sprinklers should be address by each resident. Jenn explained the rationale behind this. The company may not repair the sprinklers to each resident’s satisfaction. The original sod was put back down. Shades of Green will be asked to come and look at more professionally replacing some of the sod.
Residents in the affected area who are concerned about their drainage will have the benefit of having the lines TV- running a camera to see if there is a problem.
It was discussed whether sodding should be replaced or hydro seeding.
Discussion of type of speed control to install in the subdivision…speed humps, speed bumps or radar signs. The radar signs will be approximately $4,000.00 each with a total of $9,000.00 for two when everything is completed. The Board discussed the pros and cons of the different speed controls. It was unanimously voted that we get the radar signs. The Sheriffs should be closely involved so that the motorists will know of the seriousness of the signs. Rob Mazzola will be in charge of this project.
Two proposals were obtained for the damage done to the lamppost at the Cross Creek entrance by the motorist. The estimated cost will be $2500.00 plus any permit fees. The motorist’s insurance will be responsible and the motorist can make arrangements with his insurance company. Clarence will take care of getting the proposals to the motorist. John has the two globes….$175.00 each. There is a burn out light on Shelton but is unrelated to the above incident.
Clarence passed out the latest financial statement. Expenditures paid and anticipated are the drain work, radar signs and cost of the sod. Clarence indicated that there are still over $4,000.00 still owed in outstanding annual association’s dues.